Monday, June 20, 2011

Poster Project

Camera: Canon Powershot SX110 IS, F/3.5 , 1/15
  Bannack Ghost Town-May 25th 2011

This second portrait is my favorite of the whole shoot so far. The shot it self was nothing to special, when i was light metering, i over exposed it a little, but not past the point of saving. I really liked the shot, because of the fun pose brittany was doing, it was very "high fashion. I took the photo into camera raw and change the exposure, raised the blacks and shadows and improved the clarity. Once i got the photo to where i wanted it, i took it into photoshop. I started by copying the image, next i spent like 30 mins air brushing her arm and face. Her skin was fine, but the lighting on her face and arm was very harsh in spots, so i used the air brushing to fix those lighting mistakes. I then made a selection of her eyes and copied them to a new layer. I then look through some of my other pictures that i took of her, and found a photo where the color in her eyes was really rich. I then took that photo and selected her eye and hid the rest of the photo. Once i had both eyes selected i went to adjustments and match color and selected the photo with the rich eye color and color matched it. It turned out very nature, i turned down the opacity and blended my ruff selection edges around the eye, to make sure it look great. then i copied the layer again and selected soft light, then i did the same thing again. Finally i took the burn tool at 52% exposure, and burned around the edges of the photo to give it a vignette. The last thing that i did was add my name on the bottom left of the photo, it was just really simple, feutra medium and condensed medium.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lights & Motion

June 12, 2011 BYU-I campus, F/ 5.0, shutter: 4.0 
Nikon D3000

June 12, 2011 BYU-I campus, F/ 5.0, shutter: 15.0 
Nikon D3000
June 12, 2011 BYU-I campus, F/ 8.0, shutter: 10.0 
Nikon D3000
June 12, 2011 My apparment, F/ 8.0, shutter: 30.0 
Nikon D3000

Lights & Motion-
The first shot is a car driving by, i had my camera standing still and let the car blur the lights. I had my camera set on 4 secs. i think it turned out really cool.
This next shot i moved the camera.  I was walking in the taylor parking lot, and i opened the shutter for ten seconds, and i just move the camera around, pointing it at different light sources. it turn out sweet!
the last one, i had one light and opened the shutter for tens seconds. I waved my arms around like a crazy person, then switched the color half way through. Then i shined the light above me for a few seconds, and that what gave me the ghost affect.

The last photo is my light painting. First of all it was super hard to do, and i couldnt find a light that really worked well. i left the shutter open for 30 seconds, and spent about 5 seconds shining the light on her face. then i turned off the light and just let it sit for the rest of the time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Scanography & Edge Effects


Edge Effects

Scanograpy: On the first photo graphs of my shoes, i opened up the scanner program and changes the settings and scanned my shoes a 1200 pixels per in. once i had all the pictures i wanted to use, i place them into photoshop. I blened the photos together and used soft light filer on one shoe and the divide filter on the pastic bage. i played with the opacity and blened the images togther to get the final project. For my single shot scan, i used a maple leaf and some news paper to make up my scene. Then i scaned it at 1200 bbi and move the image to photoshop. I added a soft light filter and a black and white filter. Then using a mask and black paint i reveled the color of the leaf.

Edges Effects: On the first photo, made a new layer and filled it with white, then i put a mask over the photo and filled it with black. this show the blank white layer and hid the photo. Then i selected a paint brush with more texture than normal, then using different opaccities i reveled the image, leaving the edges ruff. Then i added text to complete the photo.

The second photo, i croped to 6 in by 7.5 in. then i added 2in to the cavas size, then i added .5 in to the bottom of the cavas. then i filled the canvas with black, and added a title to the photo.