Date: May 13, 2011 Location: Spori Quad , F/ 9.0-8.0 ,1/320-1/250
This Panoramic was taken on top of this kind of island in front of the Spori Art building. I set up my tri pod and centered my shot then started at the left and twisted my camera and overlap my images as i went. I then used photo-merge to create the panoramic.I think it turned out pretty cool, it made a rounded wall appear liner in shape, which was something that i didn't expect. Thankfully for me the people in the photos just sat still as i took the picture! i then added a levels and saturation adjustment mask to give the image more color and depth.
I really like the creativity of your panoramic. I like how the people in your picture were able to remain still. When I took mine I realized a runner ran through about 3 of my shots, so I needed to retake them. I really like how the library is in the center of the picture, drawing the viewers eye to that point. Great work!